Over the past few years, we have seen people make some unique projects with the cheap DIY computer board, Raspberry Pi. Back in 2019, we saw the handheld gaming console, “Lyra”, entirely made with the Raspberry Pi. Now, a student from Singapore has created a similar gaming console. However, it is inside a watermelon!

Now, coming to the device itself, Cedrick took a Raspberry Pi, an LCD screen, a speaker, and some buttons and connected it all together. After setting up the hardware, the Singaporean student added a few lines of code to the config file. This was for the audio configuration. He also downloaded some libraries to configure the screen and add the button inputs.

Now, Cedrick takes this “Watermelon Gameboy” to grocery stores to play “Pokemon Emerald” and turn some eyes. Seeing someone play a game on a watermelon really intrigues the general public. In fact, to turn some more eyes, Cedrick actually travels with this “Watermelon GameBoy”.