If you’ve been a big Subnautica fan in the past, then you’ve know doubt been either checking out or waiting on Below Zero. Well, the early access has had its first big update, and that update brings along the Seatruck. This new vehicle appears a lot like the Seamoth at first, but it is a modular vehicle and allows for you to create module that connect to it that will help you in your travels.

There are currently three modules available: Aquarium, Fabricator, and Storage. The aquarium option will pull in fish while you ride around, allowing for you to research them and use them for food. The fabricator gives you the ability to craft on the go, and storage gives you space to place all of your materials!

The update also brings a couple new wildlife to the game. The first is the Seamonkey, and while that sounds like a friendly creature, it will actually attempt to steal your gear! They form nests out of scrap metal and other items, so if you find these you can loot them and maybe find valuables. While the Seamonkey can be a bit annoying, the second new addition is a lot more threatening. If you are exploring the depths of the Deep Twisty Bridges, be on the lookout for the Squidshark! This terrifying mix of tentacles and shark-like aggression patrols the area, and will attack if you get too close.

While the new wildlife is a bit on the scarier side, there’s also some new areas. Head to the Deep Twisty Bridges or the Thermal Spires biomes for some new exploration, and there’s now a Cargo Transfer Launchpad and new area around it to check out!