With the successful release of No More Heroes 3 on the Nintendo Switch, game-runner Suda51 is busy celebrating the completion of his No More Heroes trilogy featuring the audacious Travis Touchdown. But Comicbook is reporting that Goichi Suda (Suda51) is now interested in making a Deadpool game. When asked about what the future holds for him and his video game company Grasshopper Manufacture, he said in part:

Suda51’s first game in the trilogy was released back in 2007 and the sequel was released in 2010. The premise revolves around Travis Touchdown as he is typically tasked with taking out these larger-than-life characters using his beam katana.

No More Marvel Heroes

Next to Hideo Kojima, Suda51 is probably one of the most ambitious game developers working today. I can’t think of two cooler, weirder, and more bonkers game series than Metal Gear and No More Heroes, the latter being Suda51’s creation. You take his kind of mentality when creating and mix it with one of the mouthiest comic book characters of all time, Deadpool, and baby, you got a stew going.