Title: Super Crush KO
Developer: Vertex Pop
Publisher: Vertex Pop
Genre: Action, Indie
Available On: Nintendo Switch, PC
Official Site: Super Crush KO
Release Date: January 16th, 2020
Version Tested: Nintendo Switch
Where to Buy it: Nintendo eStore, Steam
Kidnapped kittens. Alien robot invaders. Fast-paced gameplay. Fashionable neon jacket… Super Crush KO has it all. This whimsical brawler is oozing with character, which pairs with its short but entertaining storyline to really pack a punch. This is one indie game you will not want to miss, and its pick-up-and-play mentality makes this a sweet addition to your Nintendo Switch library.
Super Crush KO has a simple concept, but that is a considerable part of its charm. And what girl wouldn’t destroy deadly robots and alien princesses to save their favorite four-legged companions? The brief synopsis of the brawler is as follows:
Right out of the gate, this brawler exudes character, and that is what sets it apart from other games like this. The main character gives off a strong Sailor Moon vibe, and it is something I came to love about the game. She’s just a normal girl with a cat who has extraordinary powers and abilities. What’s not to love? Even better, the nemesis, Ann, is just as great. From start to finish, the relationship between these two really set the whimsical atmosphere of the game.
The Sailor Moon-esque vibes bleed into the style and animation of Super Crush KO as well. Honestly, before I even saw the trailer, I knew I wanted to check this game out just because of the art style. Everything is superbly animated from actual gameplay to the comic cutscenes in between. The animation is taken to a whole new level with the bright pinks, purples, and yellows used to color this futuristic landscape.
The visuals blend well with the sweet, techno-inspired tracks and sound design to create the perfect futuristic landscape. More importantly, the way all of these elements flawlessly come together shows the amount of love and dedication put into Super Crush KO. From beginning to end, the atmosphere is set perfectly, and the gameplay is even better.
When it comes to the actual gameplay, Super Crush KO doesn’t do anything super unique, but it doesn’t have to. Flying through the air, throwing punches and kicks while occasionally blasting enemies with a giant laser is a blast. And it is super addicting. This game is nearly impossible to put down. More than once, I found myself saying, “just one more level” again and again. The gameplay feels fluid, fun, and crisp, giving the overall experience a much-appreciated polish.
This polished gameplay is a huge part of Super Crush KO’s replayability. After every level, the player has the option to add their score to online leaderboards, and these scores are determined by a ranking you receive throughout the levels. The better you do, the more combos you string together, the better the score you receive! There’s nothing more satisfying than claiming that high score, and that rush is sure to keep players coming back.
Honestly, my complaints are very few and far between – if there are any at all! The gameplay can be punishing, but it never feels unfair. If anything, it is super rewarding to push through a difficult section finally. The most disappointing thing was that Super Crush KO had to come to an end. It is super short and sweet, but that is one of its strengths. It tells the story it wanted to tell with a satisfying ending, and it doesn’t overstay its welcome. So, even the complaints are complements, and that’s a real sign of a stellar game.
All in all, this is one indie experience you will not want to miss. From its adorable style and spunky characters to fluid, fast-paced gameplay, Super Crush KO is the total package. With its short runtime, this brawler is the perfect way to spend an afternoon, but (trust me) you’ll keep coming back to master the leaderboards and grab those S-Rankings!
Verdict: Super Crush KO is a wonderful little brawler that you won’t want to miss. Its quick and fluid gameplay is super addicting, and, trust me, you’ll tell yourself “just one more level” about 20 times. It’s oozing with magical girl charm that will leave any fan of the Sailor Scouts gushing about the color scheme and Usagi-esque main character. While Super Crush KO is short, its story is entertaining, and the level of replayability is high for those perfectionists among us. All in all, this is the perfect Nintendo Switch title!
Super Crush KO Review
Quick, fluid gameplay
Magical animation and color schemes
Entertaining story
Easy to pick up and play
It had to come to an end