I’ve been playing Super Mario 3D All-Stars quite a lot since its release, and it’s safe to say that I’m loving all the Mario that’s on offer, even if there have been some issues. Released on September 18th, Super Mario 3D All-Stars features three fantastic Mario games, namely Super Mario 64, Super Mario Sunshine (The best one), and Super Mario Galaxy. The omission of Galaxy 2 is a sore point for many (myself included), but what is here is great.

One big problem that many have encountered in the All-Stars collection is the camera. As we all know, the only way to play anything is with an inverted vertical camera, and in fact, Mario Sunshine taught a lot of people how to use the camera that way as it was the only option available in the original Gamecube release. When Mario 3D All-Stars came out, however, the camera had been switched away from inverted with no option to change it back. This annoyed people who play games properly, as well as anyone who forced themselves to learn thanks to the Gamecube version.

Thankfully, Nintendo has buckled under fan pressure and has revealed an upcoming patch that gives the option to invert the camera on all 3 games, giving you the choice of how to play.