Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania is the newest installment of the Super Monkey Ball Franchise. The game was announced at the Nintendo Direct for E3 2021. The game is a remastered compilation of the first three original Super Monkey Ball titles. Players are excited about the upcoming maze challenge game and many wish to pre-order the game now.
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania will be available across platforms in October 2021. The game is ready for pre-order now at multiple retailers. Check out the list below to figure out where you can order the game ahead of time.
For Nintendo Switch Owners: The game is not currently available for pre-order on the Nintendo Game Page, though this could change later, so we’ll provide the link. The game can be pre-ordered for Nintendo Switch at $39.99 from Best Buy and Gamestop.
For PlayStation Players: SMB: BM is available for pre-order across a couple of retailer sites for PlayStation 5 (and PlayStation 4), with all of them pricing the game at $39.99. It is not currently available for purchase on the PlayStation store site, but it can be purchased at Best Buy and Gamestop.
For Xbox Owners: The Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S will all have Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania. While they will be on all of these console generations, only pre-order for Series X is available through Best Buy and Gamestop for $39.99.
For PC Players: The game will be available on Steam for $39.99, but there is currently no pre-order page for the game. We are not sure if the game will be anywhere else for PC.
Want to read more about Super Monkey Ball? Check out What is the release date for Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania? on Pro Game Guides.